Thank You to Our Donors

Thank you to the following individuals, local associations, Councils and Regions for the donations made between
4/1/2024-6/30/2024. Watch for new donor recognition each quarter.

Gamechangers ($1,000+)

roz horton
Suncoast Insurance Professionals
Region III Conference Committee-In honor of Region III IAIP designations recipients, IAIP education instructors and Region III Leadership Team
Greenville Association of Insurance Professionals

Trendsetters ($100 – $999)

Vermont Association of Insurance Professionals-In honor of Betty Durkee; In memory of Jan Johnson
Lori Meagher-In honor of Katie Zannini, Maribeth Rizzardi, Lysa Molnar, Marsha Hillman, Jonel Thames Leake, Lisa Hardin, Stephanie Oakes, Sandra Woodhouse, Heather Caston-Talbot, Theresa Garcia, Barb Watters, Laurie Hallam, Paula Clark, Tabitha Kostrubinac, Marisa Petrella
Geraldine Plott-In honor of June Taylor, Kathleen Bianculli, Donna Whited
Terri Brennan-In honor of Region VII Legacy Foundation donors & Matching Funds through Truist/Nationwide
Region VII
Region I
Region IV
Kathleen Bianculli
Brooke Lesniak-Donations made through American Online Giving Foundation with Travelers Insurance Company
Gordon Harmon
Mark Coberly
Florence Nagy-In honor of Tammy Wascher, Vickie Harmon, Vikki Angelo, Cathy Wolford
Robin Fawkes-In honor of Terri Brennan
Brenda McDermott-In honor of Linda Grayless
Tracy Oestreich
Kathleen Schor
Lisa Hardin
Sandy Malone
Pam Haakenson
Tammy Wascher-In memory of Heidi Kugler
Insurance Professionals of Southwest Michigan
Vickie Harmon-In honor of Vikki Angelo
Susan Hathorne-In memory of Dixie Watson
Kathlene Henry
Audrey Macie
Carol McManus
Gail Novelich-In honor or Terri Brennan
Travis Pearson
Janet Rauch
Jonel Thames Leake-In honor of Sue Quimby

Pacesetters ($25 – $99)

Linda Luka-In honor of Brenda Hornyak & Keri Herlong
Lauri Oakden Binder
Rae Lynn Zachary
Jennifer Baker
Mary Corvaia
R. Suzanne Maringer
Cindy Prud’homme
Betty Curry
Gracellen Donnelley
Leslie Door
Angie Sullivan
Julie Wagoner
Vikki Angelo-In Memory of Heidi Kugler
Susana Baja
Brenda Buck-In honor of those who partcipated this year in FIT challenges
North Carolina Council-In honor of Kelly Booth
Sherry Distelhorst-In memory of Heidi Kugler
Laurie Hallam-In honor of Sue Quimby
Cherri Harris
Keri Herlong
Tabitha Kostrubanic-In honor of Sue Quimby
Stephanie Oakes-In memory of Pat Murray
Gina Patterson
Cathy Wolford
Linda Grayless-In honor of Vickie Harmon
Susan Holbrook
Kim Cameron
Judy Cook
Brenda Hornyak
Brenda Lawhorn
Patsy Johnson
Suzanne Downey
Carolyn Cahill
Sherry Gamble

ADVOCATEs ($1 – $24)

Cheri Bailey
Loni Beasley
Chenise Blalock
Kelly Booth
Martha Elliot
Janet Fritz
Vickie Hammock
Kimberly Hayes
Freeda Koopmans-In memory of Pattie Payne
Sorah Korenberg
Regina Lemanowicz
Lori Meyer
Marie Meyers
Mary Moore-Campagna
Marisa Petrella
Wanda Raymond
Anna Shattuck
Sandy Ballert
Gail Braunsroth
Tonya Burris
Colleen Clift
Ana Ermis De Arce Ramos
Nancy Dunning
Angela Gentry
Shane Pope
Rhoda Ryan
Sue Shaw
Shirley Shilling Cimino
Beth Wilkerson